Reclaim Your Calm

Break the spell of chronic stress, recalibrate your nervous system, and create a restorative lifestyle to sustain your wellbeing, spirituality, and best self - without feeling guilty, selfish, or waiting to sleep when you’re dead

Are you under the spell of chronic stress?


  • Find yourself overwhelmed, exhausted, or stressed out on a regular basis?

  • Often take the edge off with food, alcohol, substances, scrolling, shopping, binge-watching because “IT” is just too much

  • Struggle with burnout, body breakdown, health issues, dis-ease?

  • Do all the “right things” for your health and wellness, but still don’t feel like yourself?

  • Feel like self-care is another thing on your to-do list?

  • Crave more consistent connection to Spirit, Soul, Best Self, something!?

  • Wish you could feel like yourself again, but not sure how?

You are not doing anything wrong.

You have been adapting to a chronically stressed out society with warped, ancient disempowering paradigms insisting to push through, tolerate dis-ease, and sleep when you’re dead. For the sake of being productive “enough” - whatever that means.

It’s no wonder the reach for easy fixes to take the edge off is, well, easy.

No judgment. I get it.

As an energetically sensitive soul living in an overwhelming world, I experience chronic stress and overstimulation as shards of glass piercing my invisible skin. Ongoing lack of rest causes cringe-worthy crankiness, annoying impatience, and the little things to feel like big things.

I have experienced disconnect, despair, and doubt of ever feeling like myself again. I have numbed, self-medicated, and felt lost, dazed, and confused. I know the dark night of the soul…

Fortunately, I know better than to tolerate a mediocre existence. I have been dancing-like-no-one-is-watching since I was born and singing from my soul as early as I can remember. These are embodied acts. They have gratefully given me - and still do - direct experience in my body of FEELING joyful vitality, ecstatic bliss, divine grace, radiant love, and the sensory pleasure of being human. Add to this my sensitive superpower of experiencing life richly and deeply, I’m not going to settle for a mechanical, robotic, or shut down quality of life.

Not every day is technicolor. Sometimes I only have energy to do the basics; other days I thrive in creativity. Often, I take power naps. However, I am blessed with the embodied knowledge that the lightness of being is real and exists within.

I’m here to be ALIVE! So are you.

I am also a body geek. I have been learning about what the body is - indeed a sacred vessel - and how it works for decades. The more knowledge I have of its natural design, the more I am empowered to collaborate with it, rather than try to bypass it - an impossible task. I figure that as long as I am inhabiting a body, I may as well make my existence as comfortable as possible.

One of the areas that I am really geeky about is nervous system wellness. Learning to cherish mine has SET ME FREE from the Matrix of inhumane societal expectations to operate like a machine and attempt to keep up with the impossible pace of modern life.

I discovered that when I attune with MY nervous system and tend to its needs for ebb and flow, it is recalibrated - a less mechanical way of saying regulated. Simply, I feel like myself.

Nervous system wellness has a positive ripple effect on a range holistic wellness benefits, including:

  • Calm, Centered, Grounded

  • Clearer Thinking

  • Improved Mental Health

  • Better Sleep

  • Digestive & Gut Health

  • Reduced Aches and Pains

  • Less Dis-Ease

  • Emotional Equilibrium

  • Sustain Spiritual Connection

  • Positive Relationships

  • Kindness

  • Confidence

  • Presence

  • More Energy, Time, Money

Sound good? It is possible.

When your nervous system is dysregulated - or uncalibrated - due to a constant state of stress and survival mode (fight, flight, freeze), the negative impact on your wellbeing may show up as: gut issues, sleep issues, brain fog, low energy, ongoing aches and pains, dis-ease, crankiness, anxiety, depression, impaired social relations, spirit-soul-intuition disconnect, potential financial loss, and unfortunately so much more.

The Truth is that you are not supposed to feel stressed out all the time.

Although common, it is NOT natural, normal, or humane.

In addition to the spell of chronic stress and fear trances, there is also confusing cultural conditioning about the remedy of “relaxation.”

Notice how you feel when you read this word. Inspired? Conflicted? Selfish? Guilty?

When you want to feel less stressed out, what are the ways you “relax” or cope? Do they truly “scratch the itch?” Do you experience the restorative relief you are seeking - or do you feel temporarily soothed, yet continue an ongoing stressed out numbed existence?

No judgment, shame or blame.

Cut yourself some slack and grant yourself Grace.

Many ways to cope with modern life are socially accepted, even celebrated, and the power of advertising is no joke.

Sometimes life IS too much and only a pint of ice cream, or the like, will do. I know.

However, the reality is that these choices are not sustainable, nor life affirming. If you want to feel like yourself again, you “need a bigger boat.” In other words, more options!

There is a way out. Within.

Your Body is Magnificent.

The Truth is that you were not born on an assembly line. You are part of the natural world and your body is magnificently designed to return you to your natural state of ease and grace.

You are born with an array of healing systems and humane rhythms to support your ebb and flow, effort and rest, work and play - without guilt, apology, or even deserving.

When you are stuck in survival mode, parts of your nervous system are out of sync and have “forgotten” how to restore you, leading to imbalance and dis-ease.

THE GOOD NEWS is that you can turn those naturally restorative states of your nervous system back on. When they re-engage, you will experience REAL RELAXATION - a positive shift in your body, not just your mind.

Here you find the true relief from chronic stress you are seeking; rather than relying solely on synthetic and unsustainable solutions.

You support your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, soulful wellbeing. You return to your best, or at least better, self.

You also rediscover what it FEELS like to embody a range of life-affirming experiences such as:

Calm ~ Centered ~ Grounded ~ Excited ~ Playful ~ Creative ~ Confident Joyful ~ Connected ~ Curious ~ Open ~ Deep Rest ~ Safer in Your Skin

These states of being are your physiological birthright. They are built-in; you don’t have to work hard to earn it, order it online, or wait until you finish such-and-such to feel more like yourself again.

You have been doing the best you can surviving modern life, in addition to whatever childhood and life situations that rocked your world. Even with all of this, it is possible to shift how you experience your body from the inside out and give your soul a more comfortable place to live.

I’m here to help. If a energetically sensitive empath can do it, so can you!

Now is the time to remember How to Really Relax™ and create a lifestyle to support and sustain your natural state of ease and grace!

Your life depends on it.


Reclaim Your Calm

The How to Really Relax Lifestyle Program is a 2-Part curriculum that teaches you 10 KEY SKILLS to break the spell of chronic stress, recalibrate your nervous system, and create a restorative lifestyle to sustain your wellbeing, spirituality, and best self - without feeling guilty, selfish, or waiting to sleep when you’re dead


EDUCATION & EMBODIMENT: Cherish Your Nervous System

Skill #1: Reclaim Your True Nature

Paradigm shift from ancient inhumane programming and take back your birthright to feel human, part of the natural world - not a machine

Skill #2: Nervous System 101

Understand the basics of how your autonomic nervous system works to save your life as well as the power of polyvagal theory and your vagus nerve

Skill #3: Real Relaxation Solution

Take back your power to experience sustainable wellbeing choices that truly restore you, instead of relying solely on synthetic choices that numb you out

Skill #4: Embody Nervous System States

Increase your body, energy, and emotional awareness of the range of survival and thrival states to FEEL your experience, not just think about it

Skill #5: Return to Safety Sequence

Learn the effective steps and necessary elements to move from collapse, despair, anxiety, and anger to feeling safer in your skin and more connected to Life


APPLICATION & PRACTICE: Create A Restoration Lifestyle

Skill #6: Why: What’s in it for You?

Identify your values and cultivate intrinsic inspiration to make incremental changes and new choices to support your wellbeing

Skill #7: Grant Yourself Permission

Release inhumane external expectations & embrace your body’s wisdom as the permission you are seeking to really relax - without apology, justification, or guilt

Skill #8: How to Create White Space

Put yourself on the list and learn 3 simple steps to carve out time and take charge of when you practice self-care, slowing down, and R&R

Skill #9: Expand Your Toolbox

Find relief that real relaxation does not mean you have to sit still (whew!) and increase your menu of choices to calm, energize, and more!

Skill #10: Rightsize Your Restoration

Discover a simple approach to integrate real relaxation in real life and exquisitely tend to YOUR needs, even when you just have a minute!

Do you know How to Really Relax™?

If you wish, assess your current knowledge & practice of these TEN KEY SKILLS outlined above in your daily life on a scale of 1 (low) - 10 (high). Acknowledge your strengths! and be curious about what’s missing.

To close those gaps and become more proficient in this life-saving wellbeing education, embodiment, application, and integration, consider adding learning How to Really Relax™ Lifestyle Program into your holistic healing journey.

HOW? You have options!

NOW is the time to break the spell of chronic stress and embody the natural solution you already have to sustain your wellbeing, spirituality, and Best Self.

How to Really Relax™ Lifestyle Program


PART 1: EDUCATION & EMBODIMENT - Cherish Your Nervous System

5 Tuesdays, April 8 - May 6 @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST via Zoom

A 5-week class series that teaches Skills 1 - 5 = Skill #1: Reclaim Your True Nature; Skill #2: Nervous System 101; Skill #3: Real Relaxation Solution; Skill #4: Embody Nervous System States; Skill #5: Return to Safety Sequence.

BONUS WORKSHOP - Move Your States:

Restore your center amidst outer chaos by deepening your felt sense of ALL of your nervous system states. Increase your capacity and confidence to state shift IN your body, not just in your mind


PART 2: APPLICATION & PRACTICE - Create a Restorative Lifestyle

5 Tuesdays, May 13 - June 10 @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST via Zoom

A 5-week class series that teaches Skills 6 - 10 = Skill #6: Your Why: What’s in it for You?; Skill #7: Grant Yourself Permission; Skill #8: How to Create White Space; Skill #9: Expand Your Toolbox; Skill #10: Rightsize Your Restoration.

BONUS WORKSHOP - At-Home Restoration Retreat:

Press pause on daily life and enjoy an extended Co-Relaxing Session to consciously carve out time, create a soothing space at home or go elsewhere, and curate restorative tools to literally come back to your senses. Enjoy a more immersive experience to feel more calm, energized, and connected to yourself.

+ PLUS +

  • Weekly Tea with Lisa - Q&A, real relaxation planning, community connection

  • Weekly Homeplays - Bring content to life and deepen learning

  • Unlimited Email + Voxer (voicemail) app - Support in between classes for clarity and connection

  • Bonus Follow-Up Class - Check in, ask questions, receive strategy and support (TBA)

  • 3 Months of Somatic Sanctuary Membership - Be supported to come home to your body via monthly gatherings, special events, co-relaxing sessions, community, and more

  • Lifetime Access to How to Really Relax Lifestyle Program Curriculum - Transformational content with easy-to-digest videos, audios, slide decks + over 50 supporting handouts, guided experiences & embodiment practices

“I am learning to listen to my body more. When it is asking for rest, it is okay to rest. I now come from a place of understanding rather than beat up. I am more awake to live my life.”

— Kristen

“I have been working on not feeling so responsible for others. Getting rid of guilt was crucial. When I start slipping into old habits, I pause, take a breath and just listen.”

— Carolyn

“I am enjoying more peace, fun, and love! I am using my ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature on tech, planning ‘being’ time, and feel more connected to a higher sense of purpose.”

— Tabatha


  • Weekly 90-Minute Classes - Education and body-centered practices; Recorded

  • Bonus Workshop(s) - Move Your States + At-Home Restoration Retreat to feel more empowered in your body and in your life

  • Weekly Tea with Lisa - Q&A, real relaxation planning, community connection

  • Weekly Homeplays - Bring content to life and deepen learning

  • Unlimited Email + Voxer (voicemail) app - Support in between classes for clarity and connection

  • 3 Months of Somatic Sanctuary Membership - Be supported to come home to your body via monthly gatherings, special events, co-relaxing sessions, community, and more

  • Bonus Follow-Up Class - Check in, ask questions, receive strategy and support (TBA)

  • Lifetime Access to How to Really Relax Lifestyle Program Curriculum - Transformational content with easy-to-digest videos, audios, slide decks + over 50 supporting handouts, guided experiences & embodiment practices


VALUE: $5000


Full 10-Week Class Series + Bonuses: $1497 / $997 / $497

PART 1 Cherish Your Nervous System + PART 2 Create a Restorative Lifestyle

Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - 8pm EST from April 8 - June 10

(For $997 - Use Coupon Code: 10RR500)

(For $497 - Use Coupon Code: 10RR1000)

One 5-Week Class Series + Bonuses: $747 / $497 / $247

PART 1 Cherish Your Nervous System: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - 8pm EST from April 8 - May 6

New to nervous system education and embodiment? This life-saving knowledge is a must-have to get out of constant survival mode and benefit your wellness, spiritual, and healing journey!

PART 2 Create a Restorative Lifestyle: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - 8pm EST from May 13 - June 10

Feel like you are always “on,” lacking downtime - or feel selfish or guilty when you do take time for yourself? Be supported to take back a humane rhythm of life and build your toolbox.

(For $497 - Use Coupon Code: 5RR250)

(For $247 - Use Coupon Code: 5RR500)


The world needs more calm, centered, grounded humans on the planet.


Choose the pricing that resonates for you; all receive the same benefits.


If you feel a YES, stop overthinking, trust your instincts, and enroll now!

QUESTIONS? Contact Lisa to schedule a conversation.


The Online Group Class Series is for those who are READY to:

  • Fully engage in cultivating a restorative lifestyle, with inspiring and incremental shifts

  • Be willing to release perfection and experiment with new practices and ways of being

  • Devote approximately 2 - 3 hours a week to participate in classes - or catch up with recordings - engage in homeplays, and take action to feel like yourself again!

  • Stop apologizing for wellbeing needs, justifying self-care boundaries, and waiting for permission to slow down

  • Attune to your body’s wisdom and innate self-healing capacity

  • Increase capacity and confidence to feel safer in your skin

  • Offer compassion when numbing or only a pint of ice cream will do, cuz life happens and we do the best we can!

  • Unplug from the matrix little by little and remember your divine humanity

Is every day a picnic, a parade, rainbows and unicorns? Absolutely not. Stress happens. Sometimes unexpected and prolonged; a normal human experience.

However, your built-in range of nervous system states are a physiological reality to support you to return to center, survive, and thrive!

This is your birthright. Take it back.

Join the restoration reclamation!

10-Week Class Series + Bonuses: $1497 / $997 / $497

Tuesdays April 8 - June 10

(For $997 - Coupon Code: 10RR500)

(For $497 - Coupon Code: 10RR1000)

One 5-Week Class Series + Bonuses: $747 / $497 / $247

PART 1: Tuesday, April 8 - May 6

PART 2: Tuesday, May 13 - June 10

(For $497 - Coupon Code: 5RR250)

(For $247 - Coupon Code: 5RR500)

Seeking a more bite-size approach to integrate real relaxation into your life?

Check out the Somatic Sanctuary that offers you a self-study access to the How to Really Relax Lifestyle Program curriculum with a slew of additional support, resources, mentorship, community, and special events to come home to your body.