Come Home to Your Body
Feel more connected, comfortable, and confident in your own skin with empowering body-centered education, tools, practices, mentorship, and community
Tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin?
Even though you may feel like…
An energy sensitive, empath, intuitive who is often overwhelmed and overstimulated by the world
On a spiritual journey and sometimes struggle keeping your vibe high all the time
A health and wellness enthusiast doing all the “right things,” but feel weary trying to keep up with everything that’s supposed to be good for you
Feel challenged to get in, stay in, and live in your body?
Stuck in body shame, blame, judgement, criticism, comparison?
Interested in more self-care, but often feel “selfish” or guilty, or it’s yet another thing on the to-do list
An overworked, stressed-out human wondering if there is more to life than “this” and not sure of how much more you can take
There is another way to be…YOU.
I understand.
I am blessed and challenged with a highly sensitive nervous system, the exquisite physiology in every human designed to interface between the external world and inner experience.
I have often wondered if mine is located on the outside of my body instead of the inside. It feels like I have a zillion antenna all over my body, making me hyper-aware of everything around me.
Add to that my empathic abilities, intuitive inclinations, and hypervigilant tendencies, life is alot.
Sometimes I live in technicolor, other times I'd rather live in a cave.
For a long time, I didn’t feel safe to be in my body. There was this low-level hum of always being “on,” waiting for the other shoe to drop, and feeling like I should always be doing something. I knew that there was more to life than “this” and was devoted to finding my way back to my Self.
My way out was in.
Over 25 years ago, I graduated massage therapy school, and have since studied and experienced multiple modalities of HOW the body works and what I can do when I feel off-kilter.
I’m no longer at the mercy of the overstimulating external world and waiting for permission to slow down that will never come.
Life is still life, and stress happens. However, it’s easier to shift out of survival mode and I no longer tolerate, suffer, or struggle feeling like a shell of a person.
I have had enough direct experiences IN my body of what calm, deep rest, vitality, bliss, ecstasy, joy, divine, lightness of being, and other states of goodness FEEL like to know with confidence that my natural state of ease and grace IS my birthright.
It is yours too.
This is why I created the SOMATIC SANCTUARY.
I have a fierce love conviction to help others come home to their body, remember their divine humanity, and give their souls a comfortable place to live, and evolve. We must return to a humane pace of living for the sake of ourselves and our planet.

Are you ready to turn towards the Truth that your body truly IS a sacred vessel; NOT a machine we have been conditioned to believe?
The current collective (un)consciousness of the world is steeped in warped paradigms of disconnection, disembodiment, and dehumanization.
Although positive shifts are occurring, the world is simultaneously getting faster, louder, more intense, and artificial. (Psst…it’s not slowing down anytime soon.)
When surrounded by 24/7 overstimulation and deep-rooted inhumane cultural conditioning, it can be challenging to stay connected to an easeful way of being without support from saner voices, life-affirming conversations, practical tools, and kindred community.
The good news is that it is possible to quiet the external noise and develop skills to feel more connected, comfortable, and confident from the inside out. Believe me ;-)

Welcome to the Somatic Sanctuary!
The Somatic Sanctuary is a safe haven to remember how to feel more connected, comfortable, and confident in your own skin via empowering body-centered education, tools, practices, mentorship, and community.
You don’t need to try to “figure it out” any longer or attempt to find relief in unsustainable ways.
You can go home again.
Monthly Trainings
Virtual 90-minute gatherings to strengthen positive body-centered paradigm shifts and empowering practices as well as connect with community. All sessions are recorded.
Body Myth Busters
Short-n-sweet inspirations to transform disempowering perspectives on the body from warped to wonder, shame to curiosity, ugh to awe, machine to humane.
Connect anytime via private group on Voxer — easy-to-use app to pose questions; share ahas, successes, challenges, inspiration; ask for input; offer support. OFF of social media platforms.
Special Events
Be inspired, playfully experiment, and have FUN! Themes include: Movie Nights; Show-n-Tell; BodyMindful Eating; Holistic Modalities 101; Book Clubs; More! Ideas welcome.
Access to self-study curriculum: How to Really Relax™ Lifestyle Program Learn to get out of survival mode, recalibrate your nervous system, create a restoration lifestyle.
Restoration Toolbox
Need to calm down or energize up? There’s a tool for that! Over 100 ideas organized by type + time. Includes healing modalities, movement options, and creative expression. Also “Get Started Library” essential basics.
Co-Relaxing Sessions
Weekly support to not work; rather choose to calm, energize, restore in any way you wish. Pressure-free accountability to practice separately, together. Permission granted!
Wellness Inspiration
Periodic “unchallenges” to focus attention + take action to feel better in your body including: redefining “exercise;” sleep; hydration; embodied spirituality; and more!
Guest Experts
Expand your knowledge with periodic interviews, conversations, and Q&A with experts in holistic health & wellness, healing, energy medicine, & more. Gain more practical tips and tools for your wellbeing toolbox.

Ready to feel more connected, comfortable, and confident in your own skin?
The content of the Somatic Sanctuary is worth $thousands$, and ultimately, priceless.
Annual Membership: $444 / Monthly Membership: $44
Monthly Live 90-Minute Virtual Trainings - Learn and connect with community
Special Events - Movie Nights; Show-n-Tell; BodyMindful Eating; Book Clubs, Holistic Modalities 101; More! Ideas welcome.
Weekly Co-Relaxing Sessions - Be supported to practice in real life!
Body Myth Busters - Short-n-sweet counter-culture inspirations
Body Wisdom Wellness Inspiration - “Unchallenges” for focused attention + action
Community Connection - OFF of social media platforms
Robust Restoration Toolbox - Over 100 ideas to calm, energize, balance, live!
Guest Expert Interviews - Expand knowledge and possibilities to feel better
How to Really Relax™ Lifestyle Program - Access Self-Study Curriculum

Receive complimentary access to weekly and periodic pop-up classes to move like the body of water you are. Guided instruction to move your whole body in circles, spirals, waves, undulations while honoring your natural range of motion. Gentle, non-impact, restorative. Creativity for your brain, deep rest for your body.
The Truth is that YOU matter.
By the very nature of your existence, you belong. You are part of the interconnected web of life, woven into the fabric of divine humanity.
Beyond numbing, checking out, tolerating, scrolling, stressing, or self medicating, there are other ways to be in the world.
Your body is hard-wired to experience ease, calm, grounded, connection, creativity, curiosity, deep rest, peace, grace, Love ~
It takes remembering, practicing, embodying, and support in this upside down world - You can totally do it! COME BACK TO LIFE.
“Somatic Sanctuary has allowed me the freedom to break some of those patterns that were no longer serving me. The tools I have in my toolbox allow me to see each relationship and situation through new eyes while understanding how it is affecting my body. I now have strategies and choices on how to respond and change the way I am responded to. This has been life changing + I am just getting started!
— Karen
“I can always count on quality content from Lisa. She goes beyond fluff and shares life-changing tools and perspectives. I have fallen in love with the word, ‘restoration’!”
— Diane
“Lisa is my body’s best friend.”
— Linda
“Lisa is a beautiful embodiment of body wisdom. She exudes it because it’s how she lives and it radiates through her. She teaches in a way that is comfortable for any size or age, and empowers the natural wisdom within me; to live as the goddess that I am!”
— Rev. Gina
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I too much going on?
Exactly. The Somatic Sanctuary is about supporting you to cultivate more balance between doing and being. It’s also lifting the veil, breaking the spell, exiting the Matrix, and releasing the trance that keeps us more machine-like and less divine human. This takes time (not necessarily alot), consistency, practice, and community to remember our true nature and a more humane way of living.
And…it needs to be resonant for you in time, money, and energy. Trust your instincts. If you’d like a conversation to help clarify, contact Lisa.
What if I can’t attend everything?
Consider the Somatic Sanctuary as a menu. You have a variety of choices - an appetizer, a meal, a feast - to choose from depending on the current flow of your life. You do not have to do everything! This is a pressure-free space to dip your toe, take a swim, or dive in. A variety of easy-to-digest pieces are offered at different times and timeframes. Choose what and when it fits and know that you will never be behind.
Is this trauma therapy?
Since the Somatic Sanctuary has everything to do with the body and all of your experiences it houses, inevitably you will connect with some degree of stuck stress, stagnant energy, and unprocessed emotions.
The Somatic Sanctuary is trauma-informed and one of the benefits you receive, How to Really Relax™ Lifestyle Program curriculum, focuses on nervous system education and empowerment. You learn skills and tools in a supportive environment to cultivate a safer and more easeful experience in your body.
Though you may experience therapeutic results, it is not “therapy.” If you experience more than you can process on your own, outside your “window of tolerance,” or within your current support system, referral resources are available.
Please reach out, even if it feels hard to do so. You are not alone!
Annual or monthly membership?
The Somatic Sanctuary is designed as a supportive and positive paradigm shifting learning environment to strengthen your connection to your body and Self. Feeling more alive as a human be-ing in our disconnected, disembodied world is an ongoing process. I practice daily! We encourage you to view your participation as a journey, so that you can focus on YOU without rushing, timelines, or pressure.
Choose what feels good to you and if you have any questions, please reach out. You can cancel anytime.
Do you have 30-day money back guarantee?
Yes, let us know within 30 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked. If you do have questions along the way, please do ask and we’ll do our best to support your needs.

If you have questions, interested in private sessions, or seeking additional information, contact Lisa
Click here for upcoming Workshops.