Is Tech Taking Over Your Humanity?
When did you last have a tech-free day or meal?
Or hour?
I've been happily ending summer with adventures in Nature. One of them was on the beautiful Star Island, part of the Isles of Shoals off the coast of Portsmouth, NH A few photos are below. (A few more on @lisawmedley on IG and FB).
I visited there over Labor Day weekend with my family and mom. It is a powerful touchstone for me. I have a 101 years history there. My grandparents met there in 1922. My parents also met there. Me? I met my husband across the street from the dock in a hotel bar. That's as close as I could get ;-)
Environment Matters
The beauty supported the much-needed break to unplug from tech and tune back into a more human and humane rhythm.
I call Star Island a "nature bath" as I'm surrounded by the elements - sea and sky, earth and wood, and beautiful fiery sunsets - as well as a bonfire with s'mores!
I ate delicious meals without screens and with people.
I sat in a rocking chair and looked at the water.
I kayaked with my son for the first time.
I smelled beach roses.
I sat on the rocks and listened to the ocean.
I didn't check social media once. And I survived - LOL.
It is easier than ever to stray from a humane pace of living. The world is LOUD and FAST and NOISY and OVERSTIMULATING.
Although I walk in Nature every day as an antidote for the toomuchness, even if it's looking at the trees in my neighborhood, there is nothing like an immersion.
Environment matters.
What are your current surroundings? How much time are you living your life in your phone, TV, laptop? How do you FEEL when you do?
When you are unplugging, what are you looking at, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling?
Tech is here to stay, as is AI, and we can use it for good. It can also take over our lives and negatively impact our humanity. We must stay very, very AWARE of where we place our precious attention - life's currency.
What we practice is how we live.
May you choose a balance-ing approach to do and be, effort and rest, ebb and flow.
And go outside and play!