Are you ready to really, really relax?

Amplify Your Restoration Lifestyle!


Join us in the next How to Really Relax™ Group Program for focused transformation and consistent support.

The Group Program content is centered around the life-affirming How to Really Relax™ curriculum that empowers you to stop tolerating chronic stress, regulate your nervous system, and cultivate a restoration lifestyle to feel like yourself again!

This 5-Module curriculum includes:

  1. Claim Your Ease

  2. Cherish Your Nervous System

  3. Clarify Your Why

  4. Carve Out Time

  5. Create Inspiring Toolbox

Learn 10 Key Skills including:

Skill #1: Ease is Your Birthright; Skill #2: Reclaim Rhythm of Life; Skill #3: Designed for Safety: Nervous System 101; Skill #4: Embodying Your Nervous System; Skill #5: Your Why: What’s in it for You; Skill #6: Your Body IS the Permission; Skill #7: How to Create White Space; Skill #8: Not All Tools are Created Equal; Skill #9: Rightsize Your Restoration; Skill #10: Real Relaxation in Real Life

Click HERE to learn more about curriculum.

Each week, the curriculum is brought to life through experiential education, embodiment practices, and practical tools in a positive, non-judgmental, and inspiring community.

Next 8-Week Session:

FALL 2024

Weekly Training: Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST via Zoom - Each session is recorded and ends with a guided restoration ;-)

Weekly Restoration Planning/Q&A: Wednesdays @ 12:30pm - 1:30pm EST via Zoom with periodic pop-up sessions throughout the group program

What You Receive

LIFETIME ACCESS TO HOW TO REALLY RELAX™ CURRICULUM: Ongoing remembrance to feel like yourself again with this 5-Module curriculum teaching 10 key skills to cultivate a restoration lifestyle via easy-to-digest videos, audios, slide decks + over 50 supporting handouts, guided experiences & embodiment practices.

8 WEEKLY 90-MINUTE TRAINING SESSIONS: Gain body wisdom knowledge, learn key skills, embody practices, and integrate the How to Really Relax™ curriculum into your lifestyle to feel like yourself again! All sessions are recorded.

8 WEEKLY RESTORATION PLANNING/Q&A SESSIONS: Intentionally carve out time for YOU in daily life to practice embodying and experiencing more of your natural state of ease and grace

WEEKLY INBOX INSPIRATION: Be cheered on to strengthen your resolve to counter culture, feel less like a machine, and more like a human again!

UNLIMITED Q&A/SUPPORT VIA EMAIL OR VOXER (easy-to-use 24/7 connection OFF of social media ;-) Connect with community, ask a question, share a celebration, request support

+ PLUS +

PRIVATE SESSION: Clarify your intentions, personalize your practice, optimize your lifestyle, or choose any area of focus with Lisa before, during, or after the program

ADDITIONAL GROUP CHECK-IN SESSION: Reconnect with Lisa and group participants a few weeks after program ends to receive support, strategy, and best next steps for continued progress in your restoration journey

SOMATIC SANCTUARY: Complimentary 2-month access to additional restoration support, including: 3x/week Co-Relaxing Sessions; weekly Fluid Movement Freedom Virtual Classes; & Special Events

Recap of What You Receive

  • Lifetime Access to How to Really Relax Curriculum (Value $997)

  • 8 Weekly 90-Minute Training Sessions (Value $1497)

  • 8 Weekly 1-Hour Restoration Planning / Q&A Sessions (Value $747)

  • Private Session with Lisa (Value $247)

  • Additional Group Check-In Session (Value $297)

  • 2-Month Access to Somatic Sanctuary (Value $997)

  • Plus inbox inspiration, unlimited support, community connection, breaking the spell of chronic stress, feeling like yourself again (PRICELESS)

VALUE $4500+

Investment: $997

Early Bird Special: $777

What is your body saying to you? Save yourself time and energy and trust your inner YES!, no, or not right now.

If this calls to you, I welcome you to join me and be a “restoration renegade” to embody more ease and grace on the planet ;-)

Because you matter.

PSST…The first 10 people will receive a RESTORATION LIFESTYLE CONSULTATION: Private session with Lisa to assess your "on and off” time in your current lifestyle and receive guidance to optimize your focus in the program. You will reclaim and re-establish a more human, humane, and saner rhythm of life! (Value $247)

Let’s be real. There’s never a “good time” and there’s always something…If you feel that YES! inside AND are ready to put yourself on the list (at the top ideally), join us for your restoration reclamation!


  • Fully engage in cultivating their restorative lifestyle, with inspiring and incremental shifts

  • Be willing to experiment with new practices and ways of being

  • Devote approximately 3 hours a week to participate in training sessions, engage in restoration planning sessions, watch online content, practice homeplays and bite-size choices to feel like yourself again!

  • Expand self-care, self-trust, self-love

  • Give and receive support in community

  • Stop apologizing for your wellbeing needs, justifying your self-care boundaries, and waiting for permission to slow down

  • Enhance your body’s innate self-healing capacity

  • Feel safer in your skin

  • Offer compassion when numbing and only a pint of ice cream will do, cuz life happens and we do the best we can!

  • Unplug from the matrix and remember your divine humanity

Questions? Ready to enroll? Click HERE to schedule a conversation with Lisa

Seeking a more bite-size approach to integrate real relaxation into your life?

Check out the Somatic Sanctuary that delivers the How to Really Relax curriculum one month at a time with a slew of additional support, resources, and special events! Learn a positive paradigm shift to a saner pace of life and more time, space, tools for you.

Click HERE to learn more about Somatic Sanctuary