Are You Consuming Too Much?

Information overload. It's a thing.

I remember the first time I noticed the ticker tape style of data bits scrolling on the bottom of my TV screen while I was watching the current topic.

I felt the furrow in my brow. Huh?! How am I supposed to keep up with all of that?

I can't.

Neither can you. Without stressing out your bodymind.

Is it just too much? Of course it is. 

The Truth is that our natural human be-ing design has not evolved to keep up with the amount of information and stimulation. If you feel overloaded, you are.

There's nothing wrong with you. It IS too much. What to do?


Think about information like food.

HOW MUCH are you consuming? Are you eating small bits, chewing and optimally tasting, with enough time to digest?

Are you stuffing your brain onthego allthetime? Ferociously feasting? 

Do you know when are you full?

WHAT are you consuming? Is it nourishing and inspiring? How much is junk? What is the "chemical" composition? ("Chemicals:" Degree of negative, horrible, traumatic stories and images, manipulation, fear porn)

How do you FEEL after? 

Are you sufficiently informed AND can get on with your day? Oh, and sleep at night...?

On the other end of the continuum is some version of a fear/worry/theskyisfalling spiral.

Where are you?

No judgment, right or wrong, good or bad. Every body processes their world differently.

There is also the matter of the very real feelgood dopamine hit. 


For your unique self, when is enough enough?

You may not know right away; view the Discerning phase as a process and tune into how you FEEL in your body to help guide you.

Do you feel sufficiently informed with what you need or want to know about? Are you energized, perhaps passionate to take aligned action - or utterly depleted? Another continuum to reflect upon.

If you are inspired to slim down your information consumption, consider what you will do instead.

What’s something else you can do with/for your brain, body, and soul? A different kind of intellectual stimulation? A creative project or pursuit? Personal, professional, spiritual development?

What are you hungry for?

Then, give yourself permission to consume less, a little at a time. Release the pressure of needing to do a complete consumption makeover. 

I'm a big fan of incremental shifts for my self and my clients. This approach is more sustainable and less stressful.

Remember, when looking at the food options at a Superbowl party, Thanksgiving feast, or buffet table, just because it is there doesn't mean you have to eat it all.

I continue to remind my teenage son to look beyond the phone screen and see the big, wide world. 

It is critical to strike a balance of consuming AND creating

You have the power of choice to discern and decide what is best for YOU.


Part 1: Is Your Attention Currency Bankrupt?