Part 1: Is Your Attention Currency Bankrupt?

These days, your attention is precious currency, a valuable form of your life energy. Social media knows this, toxic news cycles know this, advertising knows this.
Where are you spending your attention?

This is such an important topic that I'm sharing this in 2 parts. 

Part 1 is about one of the #1 thing to do when you want to feel better in any area of your life...

When it comes to your attention, here are a few questions to expand your self-awareness - with compassion and curiosity.

1. Are you in charge of where you invest your time, thoughts, considerations for your life and the world? Or is habit, external programming, or outside overwhelming forces running the show?

2. Where, what, who, how long are you spending your attention? . 
3. When you are tending to what's in front of you, what is your state of be-ing most days? What is the baseline in your body? Stressed, appreciative, anxious, calm, fearful, inspired, exhausted, ALIVE?   

4. How do you FEEL after attending to something/someone - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically? Some ideas:

  • Quality of your breath, i.e. shallow, frozen, full, vital

  • Degree of muscle tension, i.e. tight, bracing, open, free

  • Quality of your thoughts, i.e. disempowering, discouraging, positive, uplifting

  • General emotional vibe, i.e. anger, fear, sad, content, joyful, loving

  • Energetic state, i.e. spinning, scattered, grounded, calm

There is nothing bad or wrong with what you are feeling, including peaceful or pleasurable amidst global turbulence. You may also feel “squirrely” or like Chicken Little (the sky is falling). It’s OK, you are human.

How you feel is how you feel. Your experience is yours. It matters, you matter. Your holistic Self ~ body-mind-emotions-spirit-soul ~ is giving you feedback as to your state of being. If you want to access a different state, YOU can!

Awareness is a powerful first, and ongoing, step.

For now, be compassionately curious and remember that even if it feels like the outside world is in control, YOU are!

Rock on.


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