Why I’m So Geeky About the Nervous System
First, what is your nervous system and why care about it? It is one of your 12 physiological systems with the purpose of:
Interfacing between the external world and your inner experience
Controlling multiple body systems, i.e. cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and more
Regulating your safety and survival
Read this last one again. This regulation is built in to help you feel more at ease and safe in your skin. This is your natural design.
However, if your body chronically gets a signal that you are stressed out and have too many saber tooth tigers to fight, flight, freeze (Purpose #1), then multiple systems of your body cannot work the way they are supposed to (Purpose #2).
In real life, this translates to how safe you feel to:
Be happy, healthy, and well
Digest your food & gut health
Calm down
Jump for Joy
Feel your feelings
Hang out with people
Connect to your soul purpose
Sustain your spiritual connection
& way more...
Imagine your nervous system as the conductor of an orchestra. It decides what the musicians will play depending on the cues it is getting from the outside world as well as your inner experiences, i.e. thoughts and emotions. These internal expressions may be inspiring or debilitating, current or past, or even future worries that have not even happened yet!
Nervous System as Inner Conductor
Based on this assessment, the orchestra (your body's physiology) will be conducted to play accordingly.
A fight song or soothing ballad.
Frenetic chaos or steady, grounded rhythms.
A sloppily put together mash-up or a John Williams worthy soundtrack.
What type of music do you want playing in your body?
My #1 reason why I’m geeky about the nervous system: THE (MY) TRUTH SET ME FREE.
When I learned about The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) by Dr. Elaine Aron about 20 years ago, I had already been a body geek for decades, so I had developed a deep reverence for the body. With this deeper understanding of my nervous system and how it works, I bowed down with respect. I will my honor my inner conductor.
I began to understand that my often-overwhelmed state of being was not just in my head; it was in my body. Life made even more sense. I now appreciated why chronic overstimulation feels like shards of glass piercing my invisible skin as well as how I can be awed by sunlight reflecting off morning dew. Sometimes I live in technicolor, other times I need to hide in a cave.
Most importantly, I discovered that there was nothing wrong with me.
This body wisdom knowledge empowered me to unhook from the “matrix” - the disconnected, disembodied, and dehumanizing pace of the world. Looking out into the collective (un)consciousness of the world, I knew I could never "keep up," so I set myself free.
So can you.
Your nervous system is not more important than any other system of your physical and energetic body, nor the mental, emotional, spiritual, soulful aspects of your holistic Self.
However, if you are NOT tuned into it, life will be more challenging, exhausting, and unfun.
The good news is that YOU have the power to shift your state from frenzy to calm, from ugh to energized, from isolation to connection - with empowering knowledge, tools, support, and practicepracticepractice.
I am here to assist your journey of inhabiting your body more comfortably, feeling less like a machine, and more like the divine human you truly are.